Friday, March 30, 2012

Picnik is Closing

For all of you that haven't heard all ready, my favorite editing site EVER is closing next week. Picnik is officially closing April 14, 2012. It's so sad. :'(  Here are some of the pictures I made with it. Feel free to click on them to see them closer up. :)

Well Picnik, you had a good run. I will miss you. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Day Without Shoes

Everyone, you`NEED to watch this video! This is something I am going to do and I would love for you guys to do it also! One day without shoes is on April 10 and it is to bring awareness about all the children that dont own shoes and the serious injuries you can get from stepping on something with out shoes. All you have to do is, when people ask you why you aren't wearing shoes, you answer " I'm goung a day without shoes to raise awareness for children that don't have any shoes." You get to experence what the pain of going through life without shoes. I hope you all get to participate in this! :) 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Maggie!

Happy 4th Birthday to my slobbery, droopy, adorable dog! <3 Maggie Mae

Narnia is Nearing

  1.        As some of you may already know, me and some extremely talented  junior high and high school home schoolers are currently putting together a Center Stage Production of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The production dates are getting closer and I am getting even more excited! I am in the Witch's army so I'm not in it very much but I'm soo excited to see it all come together so beautifully. The cast is amazing and all the wonderful people I've met in it are too! I love the book and the movie and now the play too! The dates are April 13-14. If you would like to know the times or ticket information feel free to e-mail me! I would love to see everyone there! Its going to be absolutely wonderful!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Photography

Just so everyone knows none of these pictures are edited :)

Extras :-)

Thank you to my blogger buddy Maryrose <3 for showing me how to make my blog as awesome as hers! I now have a picture on the bottom of my blog if you want to check it out!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Springtime!

                 It's finally spring time! I know this is a day late but better late than never! I love spring. It's 82 degrees here and I LOVE it! I hope all of you are enjoying spring as much as I am! So far I have done my school work outside 2 days in a row! This winter's weather has been amazing. I'm enjoying now until it starts to snow in June. :) I love have 70* weather in January in Ohio! No snow this year! Well, Happy 2nd Day of Spring!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Something to Think About

    Here's a little something to think about. Lately, for school  I've had to do a presentation on the Underground Railroad. I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but it was still very interesting. 

  In the early 1800's, slavery was outlawed, but all people were still not treated equally. Anyone colored wasn't aloud to sit on buses and had to drink out of different water fountains. God made everyone equal and He loves EVERYONE sooo much! I know I keep that in mind when I feel prejudice, for any reason. Even if it's not toward a different skin color. You can be prejudgice towards kids with red hair and freckles, kids with not as much stuff as you, or even someone you think is anoying. If you want to experience more about this, there is a great exibit at COSI called Race; Are We So Different?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Flowers; God's Beautiful Creations

    One of God's most beautiful creations is the flower. I love the beauty and fragrence of flowers. I don't know about all of you but flowers make me happy. God knew that flowers cheer people up and that is why He blessed us with these amazing creations. I took this picture in my yard, which shows that God's creations are everywhere, you just have to look. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Picture of me

Quick picture of me for anyone who hasn't seen me for a while
or has never seen me :)

TV Gone... Spanish?!?

So, a few minutes ago, my younger siblings went to go watch a TV show, nothing weird about that, right? Well, not until our TV started speaking spanish! I heard the voices and was trying to figure out what was wrong when my younger sister Lauran shouted out, "The tv's talking in spanish!" Hmm... how about that, we have a bilingual TV! The weird thing is that when we changed the channel, it wasn't in spanish anymore. And when we changed it back, it went back to English. We have a strange TV! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Swimming's ending (for this season), Blog's beginning

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to finally post on my blog! Today and yesterday I swam at Championships. (In case you didn't already know, I'm on the swim team). I got 4th place over all in one of the events! That evening I got to go to my first dance ever! It was so much fun! Today I went back and swam again, which is great except the water is freezing and you have to get up early. :/ After the swim meet ended I went to Bible Quizzing, which is also very fun. Tomorrow I have school, practice for Narnia, the play I'm in (I play an evil woodland nymph), then a nap! I'm looking forward to that! Well, I think that's everything that happened this weekend, so I guess I will go. Bye!

Picture from the Spring Dance